Booking Info

Dazzlers Inc.  is a team of  dancers, and spokesmodels in the virtual world of Second Life, combined with the beautiful models of SL Illustrated and Timeless Model Agency.  Appearing and performing at charity events, paid performances and appearances, and modeling events throughout SL. Each member of Dazzlers Inc.  is carefully chosen not only for their avatar’s appearance, but for the personality behind the avatar… Dazzlers Inc. are ladies and gentlemen in every sense of the word, displaying grace and style in everything they do. Their poise and intelligence carry them well beyond being merely performers, making this team the perfect choice for any event where you want the best and classiest professionals to add a touch of exciting glamour and beauty.

Owner, Pyper Dollinger, has had over 25 years RL dance experience as well as being a Professional Cheerleader.  She wanted to incorporate it into her Second Life.  The amazing thing is that it allows anyone, whether it be a person with a disability or just didnt get the opportunity to dance in RL, the chance to grow in their creativity.  It allows them to reach deep inside and share the love of music and art in the virtual world.

Contact Pyper Dollinger in-world for modeling, performance and appearance rates and details on how your company can feature the classiest team of ladies in SL to appear at YOUR next event!

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